Wednesday 24 February 2010

Model 5:

Experimentation of introducing a drainage strategy, collected grey water would be held above the internal core element for use within the scheme. Utilising the need for the roof to reflect an internal gradient works well alongside this approach. All roof fragments work together to drain to the lowest point, with varying angles to meet the original concept of fragmented chaos, avoiding rigid order.

Thursday 18 February 2010

Model 4:

Further exploration into the roof structure, assessing the possibilities and relationships with its surroundings. In particular I wanted this model to establish how the rear exit integrated with the city, as visitors leave the building and find themselves in Bradford's shopping district. Here, the bold roof structure becomes the wall element and is the only point where it meets ground, this exit emphasising the dramatic form.
The existing connecting route is to be maintained, users find themselves using a route that is almost integral to the scheme.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Model 3:

Model experiment of basic structural ideas, testing complex roof system. Only half model is shown to give full understanding of the proposal in sectional view.

Model 2:

Rationalisation of previous model, working now with strip like elements. Converting conceptual ideas and creating a feasible interpretation, whilst retaining its previous character and emotion eliciting essence.